An environmental compliance audit is a systematic and documented evaluation directed at verifying the status of an organization, facility, or operation with respect to specific, predetermined criteria.
An audit is different from other evaluation methods that may involve conclusions based on professional opinion or limited evaluation, or unique instances not associated with specific criteria. Environmental compliance audits serve a different purpose than evaluations such as phase one environmental site assessments or environmental management system/ISO 14001 conformance audits.
Environmental compliance audits identify instances of non-compliance with specific audit criteria, such as federal, state, and local environmental regulations; internal policies; and other selected criteria.
Environmental compliance audits are performed for a variety of reasons, including to ensure regulatory compliance, control risks, understand the status of organizations prior to merger or acquisition, evaluate internal controls and policy implementation, provide reassurance to stakeholders, Environmental auditing consists of distinct phases: pre-site visit, site inspection, and reporting/analysis.
Environmental Audit Express has performed hundreds of environmental compliance audits throughout the United States.
Requested quotes will include a single price, an assigned project manager, and a description of the services to be provided (including specific deliverable products).